However, this works David choi makes plenty of money through the youtube video number of albums are available to be purchased on itunes and this is how a youtube artist actually raise mony from through thousand s and millions of people who are enjoying much with the music and decided to actually download the music. As you dont realize this digital marketing strategy on youtube is another way of saying as a good step to be popular for people who has the intentions to build careers over youtube.
Some of interesting comments from the fans are actually posted on each of the music cover that david choi's made and people just love it giving good feedbacks and in some cases i believe they actually share the musics with friends meaning there are going to "words of mouth" spread amongs group of friends and it might actually work.
it turns out not only David choi that has build the attention of people there are also some other interested youtube artists that are successful from the digital marketing through youtube. Some people might think that it is kinda stupid and funny to post on youtube and share of whar are you doing in public however if you wanna do "branding yourself" it is not bad to try the social media especially youtube for such of a fresh start.
I hope enjoy my blog post and stay tune on the next blog post :)
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